If you’re missing one or more teeth and want to restore your smile, dental bridges and dental implants are great options. Dr. Chaney and the team in Prairie Village will make sure you have all the information you need before beginning work. Call us today!
Chaney Dental offers both dental bridges and implants for patients who are missing teeth and are in need of restoration. If you’re wondering which restorative service is the best choice for you, contact us today to schedule a consultation.
Ready to replace your missing teeth and get back to a smile that shines just as bright as you? At Chaney Dental, we offer start-to-finish dental implant services. Contact our friendly Prairie Village team to schedule your dental implant consultation today!
At Chaney Dental, we have a mission to give you personalized care and help you keep your teeth for a lifetime. If it’s time for you to receive a dental exam or if you have questions about your teeth, give us a call to schedule an appointment.
If you’re considering getting dental implants, you might be wondering how durable they actually are. Read our blog to get the facts before making an important decision affecting your dental health.
If you have one or more missing or broken teeth then read our blog to learn more about dental implants. They are a realistic and long lasting solution. Our team at Chaney Dental has lots of experience with dental implants and can help you improve your smile.