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Dental Veneers

Traditional veneers are thin shells of porcelain that can be customized in terms of size, shape, color, and uniformity. Once they are customized to a patient’s exact specifications, a strong adhesive is used to secure them in place, and the patient’s smile is instantly transformed! To learn more about veneers or schedule a consultation with our team, please give us a call or send us a message through our virtual contact form, and we’ll be in touch with you shortly.

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illustration of a dental veneer being placed

What is the process for getting porcelain veneers?

The first step is to decide what you want your new smile to look like. Our team will take your smile goals into consideration and create a preview for you to view and approve. Next, a small amount of enamel will need to be removed from the front of each tooth that is getting a veneer. Temporary veneers will be placed to protect the teeth, and it will take a few weeks to get your permanent veneers in. The next appointment involves removing the temporary veneers, placing the permanent ones, and then making any final adjustments to your beautiful new smile!

Will veneers make my teeth sensitive?

Enamel is what helps insulate teeth and protect them from sensitivity, so when the teeth are prepped for veneers, it’s normal for teeth to feel a little more sensitive than usual. Temporary veneers are not as good as permanent veneers at protecting teeth from sensitivity, so we recommend that patients avoid eating very hot or cold foods and switch to a toothpaste for sensitive teeth during this time. Once the permanent veneers are placed, many patients find that they are great at protecting teeth from tooth sensitivity.

woman examining her smile in a mirror

Are porcelain veneers permanent?

Once a tooth has been prepped for a veneer, it must be covered by either a veneer or another dental restoration from then on. However, we find that patients who really want to create their dream smile using veneers typically don’t want their veneers removed, and in fact, they often wish they had gotten veneers sooner! If you like the look of veneers but don’t want a permanent option, our office also offers Lumineers®, which are thinner than traditional veneers and don’t require any enamel removal. Not sure which option is right for you? Feel free to schedule a consultation with us!

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